الاثنين، 7 أكتوبر 2019

شركة عزل خزانات بالرياض

Isolated tanks insulation company in Riyadh Our valued customers of the most important companies that provide services that can not do without at all, there is no house in Saudi Arabia and there is no tank at all, suffering from the traditional methods of insulation that are exposed to it is one of the most difficult results that appear in both in the long run In the short term, one of the most important things to be mentioned is that you are exposed to strong changes in the taste of water and exposed to algae faster, in addition to the presence of insects, if the isolation problems lead to a number of other problems there is no need to do through companies that do not help us to achieve goals Isolation and ideal results Basma Riyadh company is the best companies that help in isolating any type of tanks depending on the methods of manufacture of the tank - the breadth of the tank - the area of ​​the tank - the age of the tank …….

Tanks insulation company in Riyadh
There are many things that need to be noticed before doing the isolation work such as: -

Paying attention to the rolls that are used in the chemical insulation of the tanks.
Cement layer that allocates insulation works for ground tanks.
Our company provides bitumen layer which is used to make two layers of tank insulation.
Attention to the work of pouring concrete from the walls of the tanks and the layer adhering to the ground very accurately.
Isolation of tanks company in Riyadh for any type of tanks depends on the provision of modern methods and methods distinctive in the work of insulation, which achieve insulation as required.

Ways to protect ground reservoirs from poor insulation

Choosing the right time for insulation is one of the most important things to consider in terms of temperature.
It is necessary to choose the type of iron molds that carry out the insulation work and choose the materials through which chemical treatment because these materials of the most important characteristic that it is the work of insulation to prevent moisture and permeability.
It is necessary to choose the chemical that fits with the type of tank because the methods of isolation with traditional materials lead to exposure to cracks and take them to the extreme limits, which leads to exposure to even greater problems.
Raise the efficiency of the tank work through the modern methods of insulation distinctive that has been a great success as the materials used as a moisture-proof and you have to identify the distinctive insulation methods that fit with the type of tank.
This is the best way to help protect the tanks from any possible problem you should take your precautions when isolating any 

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    شركة تنظيف منازل بالدمام

  4. https://www.cnfxzz.com/2021/10/blog-post.html

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